Parking Garage

THE VILLAGE PARKING GARAGE: For garage access for tenants & employees in the building, please email

* All spaces labeled, “CSP RESERVED” are unavailable, no one from The Village is authorized to park in those spaces.

GARAGE  ENTRANCE:  Please enter the garage through our front parking lot. Village tenants do not have access to the other parking entrances near Granola Bar and 850 Canal Street. These are restricted entrances.

GUEST PARKING: If you have guests or employees who occasionally work onsite, they can park in our outside lot in front of the building. If parking spaces are unavailable outside, they may take a parking ticket from the Gate Station and park inside the garage. Please have your guest bring their ticket in so you can validate their parking pass.

PARKING VALIDATION: You can validate guest parking with the company you are visiting or at the front desk with security